International Maritime & Admiralty

As the fourth largest shipping registry and world leader in tonnage for passenger ships, The Bahamas ranks among the world’s leading jurisdictions for maritime law. Maritime law and Callenders have always gone hand-in-hand with a history that dates back more than 100 years when the only means of moving people, goods and supplies to the islands was by sea. It is little surprise that Callenders has remained a leader in maritime law.

Many of the over 1600 vessels in the Bahamas Maritime Registry have been provided counsel by Callenders in the areas of:

  • Registration
  • Mortgaging and Leasing of Ships and Private Yachts
  • Negotiation and Litigation of Maritime Claims
  • Obtaining or Challenging Vessel Arrests
  • Exercising Maritime Liens to Secure Freight or Demurrage Claims
  • Opening on Aspects of Maritime Law

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